Have you guys seen Craft It Yourself yet? Channel 4’s latest venture, all about crafting things for your home, yourself. It’s all in the name. The show is aimed at people interested in crafts, which is everyone right? It follows a theme each week and the stuff ranges from beginner to sort-of-beginner, to damn, we’re gonna need help on this one. There’s a little something for everyone. It’s great to see something a little different on prime-time TV and we hope it is here to stay. Naturally, we’re pretty obsessed with the show and have managed to score five minutes with the lead lady, Clem, to have a little chat about the show and what it’s all about.
Hi, Clem, we’ve been watching the show; we love it. Could you tell a little more about yourself? Who is Clem? Where did you come from? How do you land this role with Channel 4? Tell us your story.
Well, I have lived in East London all my life; I have always been into making things, for as long as I can remember. I have been with Channel 4 for a while now, I was working for production but then got asked to be in the show! It’s something I’d never thought of, but I’ve had so much fun. As you can probably tell from the show, I would describe myself as a ‘craft enthusiast’! I find the process of making things from scratch so rewarding, whether that is a Sunday Roast or a needle point cushion…

Have you always been a ‘crafty’? When did you start this creative path?
Yes, I suppose I have, from when I was little I can remember getting craft kits for Christmas and birthdays, I got a sewing machine when I was ten and thought it was the best thing ever, although I don’t think I really knew how to use it! I remember making a key ring out of a crisp packet that I put in the oven for a really long time on a low heat so it shrunk down in perfect miniature so simple but I still really remember that feeling of satisfaction of having made something that I thought (at the time!) was very cool.

What’s your advice to anyone wanting to get into this handmade way of life?
My advice would just be to give it a go. Try as many things as you can, I am sure there will be something you are brilliant at…
Do you see crafting as being a good way to unwind and relax?
If it is something new that you really have to concentrate on it’s a great way to distance yourself from all the other bits and pieces flying around your mind! It can be genuinely quite meditative (although don’t get me wrong, there are plenty of times where it can be frustrating and tricky….I may or may not have thrown various crafting projects across the room!!) I think the feeling of satisfaction at the end of a tricky make – or the look on someone’s face when you give them a handmade gift – really is worth the time and effort you put in.
We gave Clem a chance to nosey around the Obby website, and she loved this silver pendant making class. We don’t like to brag, but she was a big fan of the website too. Good taste we think.
Craft It Yourself is on at 8pm on Tuesday nights, on Channel 4. Alternatively, catch up on All 4 .